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1 min read

Faith Builders completing work on St. Paul rehab

Faith Builders completing work on St. Paul rehab

It’s week six of eight for the Case Avenue rehab in St. Paul, and the Faith Builders are taking a little break.

They were waiting inside not because of the heavy rain Wednesday morning, but because of the lightning – Habitat’s safety standards require a half-hour break after each sighting. 

“There’s nothing to do inside on a day like today,” said Site Supervisor Floyd Hansen, explaining that contracted drywall finishers had already taped the sheetrock indoors.  In their second week on site, the multi-church crew of volunteers had been finishing sheet rock; last week they worked on sheet rocking and hanging doors. Going forward, they’ll work on window trim, soffit and fascia.

“I always get good feedback from volunteers,” said Chuck Griggs , the Faith Builder’s interim leader and a member of Unity Unitarian Church in St. Paul. “People who don’t have construction experience are always surprised that they are welcomed and wanted; and they learn construction skills, too.” 

Learn more about becoming a Faith Partner of Twin Cities Habitat


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