Habitat on the Hill Minnesota
Tuesday, May 13, 2025
9:30 a.m.
Minnesota State Capitol
Join us on the Hill
Rally together with Habitat supporters from across the state at the Minnesota State Capitol on Tuesday, May 13! You'll experience an inspiring program, you'll have the chance to meet with your legislators, and you'll get all the training you need to advocate effectively. All you need to bring is your passion for Habitat’s mission. Habitat on the Hill is completely free. You’ll receive a light breakfast, boxed lunch, and Habitat swag. See you on the Hill!
Event Details
Cost - Free!
Location - Minnesota State Capitol
-Rally in the Rotunda
-Registration, Breakfast, and Lunch in the L'Etoile du Nord Vault Room
9:30 a.m. – Registration and breakfast (Vault Room)
10:30 a.m. – Main program, training and group photo (Rotunda)
11:45 a.m. – Boxed lunch (Vault Room) and then meet with legislators
Questions? Contact the team at advocacy@tchabitat.org
Hosted by
Your Legislator Meetings 101
When you're meeting with your legislators to advocate for something important to you, just remember: they work for you! We've got all the tools you'll need for successful lawmaker meetings. The resources below will be made available online closer to the event. Hard copies of these documents will also be provided to you at Habitat on the Hill.
Legislative Meeting Guide – Coming Soon
This worksheet includes a legislative meeting outline, key talking points, and other helpful tips. -
How to Find Your Legislator – Coming Soon
This document provides instructions for how to pull your legislator out of a floor session and helps you get to your legislative meeting. -
Legislative Leave-Behind – Coming Soon
Give this document to your legislators when you meet. It explains more about Habitat and our legislative asks this year.
In addition to these materials, attendees will receive a document with info about their Representative and Senator.
How to Tell Your Story
Human connection is the most important part of grassroots advocacy work. A good story can impact a lawmaker much more than a mountain of statistics. Advocacy with Habitat is your opportunity to share why you are passionate about Habitat and affordable homeownership. These resources will help.
How to Tell Your Story – Coming Soon
This worksheet can help you create your own story you can share with your legislators. -
More Habitat Stories
Check out our blog for more stories of Habitat homeowners, volunteers, advocates, news, and more.
More Habitat Resources
Your lawmakers might ask you questions that you don't have the answers to. That's OK! You can just let a member of our Advocacy Team know and they will follow up. But here are a few additional resources that might be helpful for you.
Racial Disparities in Housing Fact Sheet
Overview of how Minnesota's racial disparities in housing were intentionally created through racist policies and practices and how Habitat's part of the solution. -
Race and Housing Series
View all the blogs we've created on the history of racial discrimination in housing, plus many more resources. -
Habitat for Humanity Minnesota 2021 Housing Production Report
What can I expect at Habitat on the Hill?
Check-in starts at 9:30 a.m. with breakfast and coffee available for registrants in the L'Etoile du Nord Vault Room. We'll ask participants to move up to the Rotunda by 10:15 to be ready for the program to begin at 10:30. The program will include elected housing leaders at the State Capitol and a training session on Habitat’s legislative priorities for lawmaker meetings in the afternoon. After a group picture, a boxed lunch will be provided in the Vault Room, and groups will head out to meet with their elected representatives. Your group may be large or just yourself depending on who has signed up to join from your district! Expect a fun-filled day at the Capitol—and if you have any questions, Habitat staff will be available as support at the event.
Full agenda will be available closer to the event.
How do I get to the event?
Room Locations
Registration, Breakfast, Lunch: Held in the L’Etoile du Nord Vault Room at the Minnesota State Capitol. You can find this space at the basement level of the Capitol in room B-15.
Main Program: Held in the Capitol Rotunda.
Drive and park at the multiple pay lots or street parking available near the Capitol including public lots: Lot C, Lot H, Lot K, and Lot Q. Lot AA is not an option this year due to construction around the Capitol complex.
Public Transit
To arrive you can take the Metro Transit Green Line and hop off at the Capitol/Rice Street Station.
Ride Share
Use Uber or Lyft to drop you off in front of the State Capitol Building.
What are we advocating for this year?
Click here to read our main priorities throughout the 2025 State Legislative Session. Highlights include:
Homeowner Association Reform to create a better system that benefits both residents and HOAs and ensures that HOAs are being used as intended: to benefit homeowners.
Investing in The Heights, Twin Cities Habitat's largest and most sustainable development ever, to bring much-needed affordable homeownership to St. Paul's Greater East Side.
Continue the First Generation Down Payment Assistance Program with more funding so that more first-generation homebuyers without access to generational wealth can finally achieve the dream of homeownership.
Increase funding for Homeownership Education, Counseling, and Training to preserve affordable homeownership, ensure that our clients are well prepared during and after the buying process, and help achieve long-term affordability.
The specific items we'll be advocating for at Habitat on the Hill will be determined closer to Hill Day based on the status of our priorities in the legislature at that time.
What are Legislator Meetings like?
While meeting with your lawmaker can feel nerve-wracking, remember that they are there working for you and your community! In a legislator meeting, we recommend opening with introductions and stories about why you are there to support affordable homeownership. Afterward, share Habitat’s legislative priorities and the impacts they can make for your community. Remember, you don't need to be an expert—you can share what you know, and if you get questions you can't answer, refer them to the Government Affairs Team. Finally, thank them for their time and that’s it! You can expect meetings to be less than 15 minutes long.
What if I signed up but can no longer attend?
No worries, it happens! Please email advocacy@tchabitat.org to unregister. Space is limited, so please take this step if you can't make it so your spot can go to someone else. Thanks!