Habitat Development in Chaska
Completed in 2023, the Chaska Development includes 8 homes conveniently located near schools, parks, and a community center.
About the Chaska Development
Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity has developed 4 twinhomes, a total of 8 homes, in partnership with Chaska's Shepherd of the Hill Presbyterian Church and Carver County Community Development Agency (CDA). All homes were designed and built by Twin Cities Habitat, and one of the homes was designed under the Universal Design guidelines.
Project funding comes from the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency, Federal Home Loan Bank, Twin Cities Habitat in-kind materials, volunteer labor, and philanthropic support.
- Environmental & Geotechnical Investigation: Winter 2018
- Secure public financing: June 2019 – December 2020
- Platting: Winter 2019-20
- Close on Land: Spring 2020
- Site work and infrastructure Start: June 2020
- Twinhome 1 Construction: Fall 2020 – Spring 2021
- Twinhomes 2 & 3 Construction: Summer 2021-Spring 2022
- Twinhome 4 Construction: Summer 2022-Spring 2023
The development is affordable to households with incomes up to 80% of Area Median Income (AMI). The CDA and Twin Cities Habitat worked with identified buyers to ensure mortgage readiness including Homestretch homebuyer counseling, land trust education, and ongoing post-purchase homeowner education opportunities. In addition, the CDA committed to keeping the home affordable to households at or below 80% AMI as defined by household size and unit.