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2 min read

Youth build Popsicle Stick Houses to Support Habitat

Youth build Popsicle Stick Houses to Support Habitat

Youth United is in the second stage of their Popsicle stick house fundraiser, and this is when they need the public’s help! Starting tomorrow, there will be Popsicle stick houses on display at our ReStore in New Brighton. We ask that people vote on their favorite house by adding a donation.

popsiclehouse-335887-editedThe first stage of the fundraiser was to have local youth groups create the houses. We partnered with local schools, Girl Scout troops, and congregations to complete the houses.

REACH Academy located in Shoreview MN, has about 100 students and provides educational and emotional services to these students. REACH Academy has volunteered at the Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity ReStore, and the students were excited about the project and couldn’t wait to get started!

The Girl Scout Troop located in South Saint Paul was also very excited to get started on their project. The girls ages 8-12 bought feathers and all kinds of decorations for their houses, and learned about affordable housing while building their Popsicle houses.

Students from the Interfaith Youth Day of Service built the final three houses on the afternoon of February 16th. The Interfaith Youth Day of Service is an annual event on President’s Day where youth from various congregations in the Twin Cities get together to learn about different faiths. The group took about two hours to build the houses and discuss how inadequate housing can affect all different aspects of a family’s life.

The youth groups were given 200 Popsicle sticks and a base board to build their houses. Other than those restrictions the youth were able to be as creative as they wish! As you can imagine, none of the houses look the same – some of the groups went with the more traditional house structure, while some groups were abstract with their homes. The groups had to plan ahead to make sure they didn’t run out of popsicle sticks, and as you see the houses you will notice some groups did this better than others!

Youth United is a Youth Leadership Program at Habitat run by youth for youth ages 5-25. We meet monthly to plan different events, fundraisers, and volunteer days with Habitat.  Youth come up with all the ideas for our events and have to work together and with the community to implement their ideas. Youth United came up with the idea for the Popsicle stick house fundraiser in 2014, and worked diligently to find local youth groups interested in the fundraiser. Youth United is also in the process of building their own Popsicle stick house!

Look for the red phone booth at the ReStore to see the houses and don’t forget to vote for your favorite! 

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