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1 min read

Women Build 2010 Minneapolis home week 5

Week #5 started off with a media frenzy. Alyssa Kroeten of the Star Tribune spent the day at the Women Build site, documenting various tasks and interviewing many of the women. She asked why they volunteered and what, if any, affect they believed their work had on the future homeowner and the community. The responses were wonderful and the full video can be viewed by visiting StarTribune.com. Also on this page is the article Neal St. Anthony wrote that appeared in the Tuesday, July 13th edition.

Wednesday turned out to be a day of hard work and perspiration—truly one of the hottest and humid days that this volunteer can remember. Kudos to all who worked diligently under extreme weather conditions. Most of the work took place outside so, after putting in our volunteer build time, we ended the day with our feet in an ice-cold wading pool at Terra’s house. Chips and dip, lemonade and squirrel stories ended a sultry day in the most perfect way.

Public awareness of this wonderful Twin Cities Habitat group has been increasing day by day. Those of you who are involved in this great project should be very proud of the work that you are providing. You are truly transforming the lives of many people around you…..not just the homeowner. If you would like to sign-up for additional volunteer days, check out the Twin Cities Women Build Volunteer page. There are still days available.

Special thanks to our Team Leaders this week: Shaun Olson and the Holzemer Ladies, Dawn Pauroway and the Puroway Team and Gwen Leifeld and the Valspar volunteers. We loved the great lunches provided this week by Cecil’s Deli, Metzger Building Materials, Valspar and Costco. And we were fed by an extra-special group on Monday—33 teenagers from the the Church of St. John Neumann in Eagan. They provided us with a beautiful buffet that they made themselves, and joined us for lunch after a tour of the home.

Challenge: Tell one friend or a family member about your experience with Women Build.

Our hope is that the Women Build Experience will change the lives of your friends and family who take part in the build. It certainly has changed ours.


Robin O’Brien
Co-Chair Event and Communications Committee
2010 Women Build

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