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2 min read

Women Build 2012 St. Paul home week 7

Women Build 2012 St. Paul home week 7

Does it get any better than to be outdoors on a fabulous fall day? The air is crisp, the sun is bright and you can smell the fallen leaves. The Women Builders are sharing stories, working intently and enjoying the warmth of doing something good for a family in need and for a great community! Wow, I want to be a part of that… oh wait I am, and you can be too!

Women Build

Women Build has a little less than two weeks remaining on site at 585 Cook Avenue E in St Paul, then we move into our offseason schedule of working the first Friday and the third Thursday of each month with the Women Build Regular crew. We also have the flexibility to create a Women Build Team Leader day at a variety of locations across the metro and on a day that suits your group. There are many opportunities, but here’s the simple scoop – log on to TC Habitat’s VolunteerHub to see the current volunteer opportunities and register. If you want to sponsor a Team Leader Day or get more information, please contact Riley Moynihan at Riley.Moynihan@tchabitat.org or 612-305-7166.

This past week can be summed up with a few words: siding, soffit and more siding. Half the front and nearly all of the east and west sides of the house have been sided with Hardie Plank. It’s a great product though a little tricky to work with, so Rhonda Thorson, the site supervisor conducted training first thing in the morning to ensure everyone felt competent with their tasks for the day. This time of year the siding comes pre-painted because we wouldn’t be able to paint after it’s up with temperatures dropping below 500. Anna W. with AmeriCorps lead teams who cut and put up the soffit and aluminum trim. It’s really looking like a house, and the volunteer teams from Wells Fargo – one day from the Home Mortgage group and another day from the Technology and Information group - all came with their can-do, jump in attitudes and really helped make a difference!

Homebuyers have been selected for this house, Letebrhan Kidane and Assefa Gebrezgi and their two daughters. They've begun to join us on site to start working on their required ‘sweat equity’ hours. It can be a daunting task for Habitat homebuyers, but after all is said and done, and with the classes they’re required to take, they will have a significantly higher likelihood of success as new homeowners. This business practice is a proven winner for all involved!

Our mission is all about engaging and empowering women in a way that they can make a difference in the community, while providing women and families in need with the foundation for a better future, in a healthy, affordable and stable place to call home. Thank you volunteers, team leaders, supporters and donors. None of this would happen without the contributions of each and every one of you!

Cindy "CJ" Fitzsimmons
Women Build Committee Member

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Women Build 2012 North Minneapolis home week 9

Women Build 2012 North Minneapolis home week 9

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