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Women Build 2012 North Minneapolis home week 8

Women Build 2012 North Minneapolis home week 8

With the summer we’ve had so far, it’s hard not to comment on the weather… Wow, what a change! The temps were still on the high side, but everyone was relieved to have the humidity go down. Terra, the Site Supervisor, told me how impressed she has been with how committed the volunteers have been to stay all day and work hard through the unbearable heat and humidity. Even when she had to send them home early due to extreme heat, they “just wanted to quick finish this one project first” before heading home. Now that’s notable dedication to the mission and inspiration we could all draw from!

Siding installation continued on the last section of the house - the front peak, and was led by crew leader, Heidi. She and Shawn donned safety harnesses and worked on the porch roof the entire day while Sheryl stayed below cutting the uniquely angled pieces for the trim and peak. Finishing details on the porch were nearly complete and should be ready for painting soon.

Women Build

The big project of the week was installing drywall. Teams split up on each floor and installed first the ceilings, then the walls. A drywall hoist is used to lift the drywall panel up to the ceiling and hold it in place while volunteers secure it to the joists with screws. While we occasionally have to manually lift and hold drywall pieces in place for others to secure them, it’s pretty rare. And the “dead arms” feeling we get from holding heavy objects above our heads for a long time is thankfully equally rare thanks to the lifts!

Last week’s women builders came to us as individual volunteers on Monday and Tuesday, and on Friday a group of friends, the “Puroway Team” sponsored the day. Robin, one of the volunteers who worked at The Hartford, had overheard a co-worker talking about her experience at Women Build in such a favorable way that she decided to sign up and check it out for herself. Chat up your experience, ladies! You never know who might be inspired to come out and join us on a build!

The Women’s Business Council from Target Corporation came out for their first Women Build on both Wednesday and Thursday. Michelle, the overall Team Leader led Wednesday’s team, and Staci led Thursday’s group. They were all impressed with the Build, Think, Act (BTA) exercise during lunch, and there were lots of comments about how it was a great way to help volunteers learn more about the need for affordable housing, the challenges many face to achieve it, and TC Habitat for Humanity in general.

The notable quote of the week was from Tavia who said that coming to work at Women Build was “Exercise that Benefits Others”. Hmmm… how often do you think someone says that during a gym work-out?

Thank you volunteers and Team Leader Day sponsors – we couldn’t fulfill our mission without you! And, thank you Lunch Providers: Anna and D. Brian’s, Cecil’s Deli, and Beth Gaede! You keep our women volunteers fed and productive!

Cindy “CJ” Fitzsimons
Women Build Committee Member

Women Build 2012 North Minneapolis home week 4

Women Build 2012 North Minneapolis home week 4

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Women Build 2012 North Minneapolis home week 9

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Women Build 2012 North Minneapolis home week 7

Women Build 2012 North Minneapolis home week 7

Greeted by fresh coffee, donuts, and energetic Team Leader Jane got the day started in sweet fashion. Her family’s business, Metzger Building and...

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