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2 min read

Women Build 2012 North Minneapolis home week 7

Women Build 2012 North Minneapolis home week 7

Greeted by fresh coffee, donuts, and energetic Team Leader Jane got the day started in sweet fashion. Her family’s business, Metzger Building and Materials, have been supporting Twin Cities Habitat with drywall and materials for over 20 years. Jane herself has been a huge supporter of Women Build by providing lunches for many summers. One day she realized participating in the actual building of the house looked fun and organized a team. This is the team’s second year and Jane feels it is very important to carry on the support of Twin Cities Habitat and will provide a Women Build team each year.

Women Build

When I asked her if the women here today worked at her company, she told me an interesting story. Most of the women have been together since high school and even chose to go to the same college. Jane called upon her softball teammates from her current “Metzger Niners” team, former St. Catherine University team, and former Derham Hall High School team; back when it was a college preparatory school for girls prior to merging with Cretin to become co-ed. Jane said, “We’ve been playing softball and learning together in an all-girl environment for so long, it seemed a natural fit to come and work together here at Women Build.” I thought it was unique to have teammates span such a long timeframe and continue their teamwork here.

Keeping with the softball spirit, today’s team split into infield and outfield workers. The infield worked inside the house installing insulation and vapor barrier, a strong plastic sheet placed over the insulation and used to prevent water vapor or moisture within the drywalls and attic insulation. A staple hammer is used to secure the vapor barrier to the studs on the walls and joists on the ceilings. It has a channel to insert the staples and works just like a traditional stapler and hammer by using strike force to release the staple into the wood. To secure the ends of the vapor barrier around windows, doors, and edges of walls, a caulk gun is used. The caulk ensures a complete seal to prevent moisture from getting through. Lastly, water-resistant tape is used to seal vapor barrier pieces together that overlap and around all electrical outlets, switches and lights to again ensure a complete seal. The outfielders worked on continued installation of the siding corner trim and siding on the second story of the house.

Abby, a TCHFH homebuyer of a home to be built in Shakopee was on site putting in her sweat equity hours. She was excited to be helping out and learning some skills before working at her own site to be started soon.

Finally, F-channels and soffit panels were being installed on the front porch by crew leaders Jill, Wendy, and me. We used tin snips and our algebra skills to cut-out unique measurements and shapes in the soffits to fit around previously installed recessed can lights in the joists. Guess the old “we’ll never use this in real life” teenage phrase heard in many math classes has been proven false.

Thanks to Jane and fellow “Metzger Niners” for providing snacks and lunch on Thursday. Other teams from last week were the Tommie Girls & Friends led by Jill Aitchison and Team Hestia led by Cindy Davies. And, big thanks to Cecil’s Deli, Diane Blake and Jennifer Weiss for providing lunch.

Cindy “CJ” Fitzsimons
Women Build Committee Member


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