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1 min read

Women Build 2011 West St. Paul week 3

Spend just an hour on a Women Build site and you will witness first hand women working outside of their comfort zones. When asked what activity she has done that was the biggest stretch for her, volunteer Susan Willis said “I have never done the same task twice when volunteering. I am constantly learning new skills!” A few years ago Susan emailed all the women from her book group and asked if anyone would like to volunteer with her. Many from the group were interested in participating and so she was at the build with two of her book club friends. She started a tradition that has led each of them into territories that they had never explored before. They were having so much fun together and fit right into the construction scene.

Jill Leonard, an interior decorator, now knows what a Durovent Foam Attic Ventilation Channel is and how to install it! Wendy Harris, returning volunteer, said “The first time is scary or unknown and then after doing the new task for awhile you can teach others.” Imagine if everyone was able to learn a bit more every day!

Huge thanks go out to our Week 3 Team Leaders: Julie Hughes and the Marquette Real Estate team, Andrea Larson and the Medtronic team and Dawn Puraway and her team. If you have a group of women that you love getting together you may want to check out the Team Leader opportunities available in the months to come. The lunches were wonderful and provided by Team Leaders Julie and Andrea, Becky & Kirsten with the Puroway team, Becca Kvasnik from Cecil's Deli and Katie from Ginger Hop. And a special thanks to Girl Scout Troop #53605 for brining out snacks on Monday morning.

A great way to view the progress of the Women Build home is to visit our Flickr photostream or our Facebook page. If you have photos you’d like to share, you can e-mail them to womenbuildphotos@gmail.com or use Streamfile to easily send multiple photos at once.

There are still volunteer opportunities available for this build so check VolunteerHub to see what slots are available. And at your next ‘Girl’s Night Out’ share the Women Build experiences with your BFFs!

Live, love, laugh and expand your world!

Robin O’Brien
2011 Women Build Committee Member and Crew Leader

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1 min read

Women Build 2011 West St. Paul home week 10

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Women Build 2012 North Minneapolis home week 4

Women Build 2012 North Minneapolis home week 4

I arrived at the Women Build site a little early last Thursday. The volunteers were beginning to show up with big smiles and ready for work. As they...

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