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2 min read

Women Build 2011 West St. Paul home week 4

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” (Ghandi)

Please join us on Thursday, October 27th at 6:00 p.m. to celebrate with Worki Seboka, Sihama Ali and Mohamud Aweis as we dedicate both of the 2011 Women Build homes. The joint dedication celebration will take place at: 836 Deppe Street, West St. Paul.

Don’t let anyone tell you differently: no two volunteers are the same at the Columbia Heights Women Build site. Every volunteer is giving of their time and energy for different reasons. Some volunteer to learn new construction skills in a non-threatening environment. Many long to help those less fortunate than themselves. Others want to be a part of a team and expand outside of their bubble and/or teach others what they have learned. And some volunteer to find themselves, like Ghandi.

When you ask the volunteers on the site why they are volunteering you never hear the same reason twice. Denise told me that she had just retired early from teaching and found the Women Build venue a wonderful way to learn new skills and connect with a completely different group of women outside of the teaching world. She’s not sure what the next chapter in her life is going to entail but likes seeing results after a full day at the build. Kerri and her husband had just grilled BBQ turkey burgers for the volunteers and after lunch she planned on cutting siding for the ‘nail-gun crew’. She said that last week she spent a few minutes on VolunteerHub, our online registration tool, and signed up to volunteer one day a week until the end of the Fall Columbia Heights Build. She loves learning and contributing to Women Build and her neighborhood!

The Fall Build is scheduled to end on December 3rd. We still need volunteers to fill up our individual build days including Saturdays. This is our second build this year and we are so thrilled to be heading into the last few months of the 2011 season. Let’s end on a high note! Take a moment to check your October/November calendar and see if you can give just one more day this 2011 season. The weather has been perfect and Anna would love to see each and every one of you. Also, we are offering a Saturday as a volunteer-day option as well. This option starts in October and continues through the end of the build.

Progress report as of Week #4: Exterior trim work was complete, siding installation was almost complete, garage roof was shingled, and the tie supports removed from the basement (which means the house can officially hold itself up!).

Huge thanks go out to our Week 4 Team Leaders from EP Powerhouse and WOLF @ Best Buy who also provided lunch for everyone on site. The rest of the week’s delicious lunches were provided by Shawn Chambers and Wahoo! Adventures.

Visit these links to sign up to volunteer and view photos:

 Enjoy the beautiful fall colors this week!

2011 Women Build Committee Member and Crew Leader

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1 min read

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