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1 min read

Women Build 2011 National Women build week ABWK project

2011 National women build week abwk project

This year’s Women Build A Brush with Kindness project brings to mind one word: AMAZING! As the A Brush with Kindness Volunteer Facilitator this was my first experience with Women Build and I could not have asked for a better event. As Thursday morning rolled around we were slightly nervous because it had rained all the previous day and night. Fortunately the weather cooperated and we had fifteen women from Lowe’s who scraped and prepped the house tirelessly. They were willing to put in a lot of hard work and elbow grease to ensure that the final product would turn out ideally.

The next day was really when the house began its conversion. We had a great crew from Valspar prime all of the necessary areas and begin the painting. The house really began to change as it went from being gray with mauve trim to blue with white trim. Many of the neighbors walked by and stopped with words of encouragement and approval as we continued to transform the home.

The final day of the project we could not have asked for better weather or more positive volunteers. The final group was individual volunteers from all over the Twin Cities who wanted to be a part of Women Build. I have heard so much laughter and seen so much work get done in one day. The women were determined to get as much painting done as possible. They paid close attention to every little detail and really did an amazing job.

The one aspect that really united the whole project was the homeowner Susan Zoff. She was constantly out talking to the volunteers and thanking them for the work that was being done. She went around making sure everyone had beverages, sunscreen, and hats to wear to ensure the best experience possible. She shared so much energy and gratitude and I feel very honored to have met her and worked alongside her.

I really would encourage anyone who is interested to become a part of Women Build in some way. It is an amazing experience unlike any other at Habitat and I hope to be part of many more in the future.

Carolyn Kiefer
A Brush With Kindness Volunteer Facilitator

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