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1 min read

Women Build 2010 Minneapolis home week 2

The plaster dust and insulation were still flying at the end of week two of the rehab project, but from the looks of it, most of the inside demolition had been checked off the list. Where white walls once existed, there was now a clear view from the front door to the back wall. New stud walls had just been built and were waiting to be added to the layout. On the second floor, new framing had already been put into place, adding some extra square footage for the new family’s belongings. Outside, brand new porch decks stood proud and sturdy outside the front and back doors.

I was excited to find the homebuyer, Donjia, on site, putting in the first hours on her own house (she’s already completed 200 of her 300 sweat equity hours by working on other sites). “I’m already picturing where my couch is going to go!” she exclaimed brightly. She told me that her mom had also stopped by the house earlier in the week to see how things were going. “I don’t know who’s more excited, my mom or me!” she said, laughing.

Jane Bolton, the AmeriCorps Construction Volunteer Facilitator, echoed the good vibes. “The neighbors are AMAZING,” she said. “They’ve been so welcoming.” I can attest to that, having enjoyed some end-of-day ice cream treats, compliments of a kind neighbor, when I volunteered last week. Jane even told of some enthusiastic police officers, who drove by and shouted “Habitat for Humanity! Yeah!!” from their squad car. What a great feeling to be surrounded by so many supporters!

Jane also spoke of something that I can’t help but mention here: the support that comes from building with other women. The fact that it’s totally fine to admit that you’re uncomfortable with a task. But then you push yourself and try it anyway, and you succeed, and you’re proud.

Big thanks to this week’s Team Leaders: Julie Hughes and the Northmarq Team, and Shaun Olson with the ladies from the Church of St. Williams.

And kudos to our Lunch Providers: Niki from Victor's 1959 Café, Julie & The Lutheran Church of the Master, Lynae Steinhagen, Alice Reuter and Karen Bassett.

See photos of the build on Flickr, Facebook or the Women Build website to follow along with the progress!

Be well,

Andrea Cole
2010 Women Build Committee Member
Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity

P.S. – there are still plenty of opportunities this summer for women to sign up to help.

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