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1 min read

Women Build 2009 update week 8

As the quote says, “Into every life some rain must fall”, and I knew I was in for some muddy fun when I got to site last week. I was also just in time for the cake being served up to celebrate the birthdays of Sharon Rolenc and Trista Matascastillo, both TCHFH employees and the day’s Team Leaders. Apparently last week was birthday week, as four out of the five days included a party of some kind, including one for Betsy!

Of course, a little rain and mud didn’t stop the day’s volunteers from working hard. They donned their ponchos and headed back out into a light rain to work on their various jobs: siding the garage, digging out the temporary power pole (which was quite a job, and I felt guilty taking pictures of their struggle), and installing the porch railings. A little bad weather wasn’t going to stop these gals from getting the job done. But luckily, the rain stopped, and a the sun even made a brief appearance.

I was happy to get a chance to talk more with Britta Wangstad, since I’d seen her on site almost every time I stopped by. Turns out she’s taking her summer break away from her architecture studies at Ohio State University and volunteering as a Crew Leader every Monday and Friday throughout the build. Her interest in Habitat began in high school at Blake, where she started their own Habitat chapter so students could volunteer together. When I asked why she liked volunteering on Women Build, her eyes lit up.

“All these women…are so independent and strong,” she explained. “It’s fun to see them in charge.” Of course, she shouldn’t underestimate her own leadership power! Her enthusiasm is infectious, and I imagine she’ll go back to school in the fall with great stories and memories from Women Build 2009.

In a slight break from tradition, but all in the name of building community, women AND men from the surrounding neighborhood worked on the house last Monday. What a great way to spend time with neighbors and show support for the new neighbor! Other days were led by Team Leaders Shaun Olson, and Trista Matascastillo and Sharon Rolenc. Lunches were provided by Tricia Hall, Wendy Reller, Jimmy John’s, Subway, and Nancy Brady. Thanks, everyone, for making it such a great week!

Until next time, be well!

-- Andrea

Andrea Cole
Women Build 2009 Committee Member
Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity

P.S. New volunteer dates in September have been added to the build schedule. If you have experience with Finishing Construction, please visit VolunteerHub to sign up & help.

Women Build 2010 Week 9

Women Build 2010 Week 9

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1 min read

Women Build 2009 week 9 update

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