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1 min read

Women Build 2009 South Minneapolis house wrap-up

All summer a South Minneapolis neighborhood has been buzzing with women hammering, drilling, sawing and painting. Thanks to all these dedicated women, along with the leadership of a devoted committee and site supervisor Betsy Reller, this year’s Women Build has been a great success. In total 548 individuals volunteered their time to bring the house from foundation to a finished home.

Many seasoned Women Build crew leaders were also particularly instrumental in creating an outstanding building experience. These women have been committed to Women Build for multiple years, and they used their experience and expertise to help organize volunteers on site each day. Betsy Reller says about Women Build, “It’s always so fun. I enjoy the sense of sharing, and everyone makes sure that everybody has a good day. I feel so lucky to work with women every day.”

Although the Women Build site has wrapped for the summer, there are other events throughout the year. The next Women Build event will be a work camp from November 10-14. We will have a few Saturday volunteer opportunties through out the winter, please visit VolunteerHub to sigh up. Additionally, Twin Cities Habitat is looking for handy women who’d like to volunteer on the Women Build regular crew. If interested please email womenbuild@tchabitat.org.

Women Build 2009 update week 8

As the quote says, “Into every life some rain must fall”, and I knew I was in for some muddy fun when I got to site last week. I was also just in...

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My day on a Women Build site

My day on a Women Build site

Over the past year I have visited and worked on several Habitat for Humanity build sites. You can always find good hearted volunteers, interesting...

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Women Build 2009 week 1 update

Thank you for your support of Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity’s (TCHFH) Women Build project! My name is Andrea Cole, and I’m a member of this year’s...

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