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1 min read

Why a BuildLouder Trip?

Why a BuildLouder Trip?

Global Village Build Costa Rica 2011Throughout the trip each of us has been asked a couple of times, “Why did you choose a BuildLouder trip?” and today it really resonated with me. This was our second build day, and we dug a bunch of holes for the setting of the cement posts that will hold the house up. We spent the morning working on digging 31 three-foot deep holes, and in the afternoon we had a little party where we celebrated with the two Habitat families we have been working with throughout the last few days. The family that will be moving into the home that we were working on taught us how to make black bean empanadas, and we shared peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with the family.

This day really illustrated to me why I chose a BuildLouder trip. To me Habitat is not just about bricks and mortar. We are about people – empowering them to make a positive change in their lives and providing them access to the resources they need to make that change. It’s not just about building a house – and that’s why I chose this trip.

Global Village Build Costa Rica 2011When I first joined this trip, I wasn’t sure what we’d be doing, but it has become clear to me that we are here to develop relationships with the Costa Rican affiliate, the families they are serving, local NGO’s and government representatives. But what seems to be the most important piece are the relationships we build with the communities for which we are advocating.

Even though we’ve spent only a bit of time physically building a home – we have built a lot through the things we have seen, the stories we have heard and the doors we hope to open.

When I think about my work in Family Services at Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity, it isn’t just about houses to me – it’s about the families. To me it’s about providing hope and having faith that we will be able to provide an avenue for a family to achieve their dreams. It is the same in Costa Rica.

Every person has the right to stable, healthy and affordable housing. No matter who you are, what experiences you have or where you come from. That’s what this trip is about to me.

Cristen Porter
Team Member, Homeowner Training & Engagement Liaison

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