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Volunteering with A Brush with Kindness? What to Expect

Volunteering with A Brush with Kindness? What to Expect

ABWK_volunteers_and_laddersTwin Cities Habitat for Humanity will do repair projects on about 120 homes this year as part of the ABWK (A Brush With Kindness) program. With anywhere from 5 to 15 volunteers working on projects 4 or 5 days a week, that’s a lot of volunteer hours! First time volunteers and people thinking about volunteering typically have a lot of questions about what to expect. 

What time should I be there? What should I wear? What will I be doing? Where will I be doing it? What if I don’t know how to do something? Do I have to climb ladders? (No, you don't). Should I bring a lunch? Will I meet the homeowner (either in person or on paper)? Do I need my own tools? These are just a few of the questions we get asked. Watch the video below and you’ll get answers to the most frequently asked questions.

In the video, you'll meet Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity President, Susan Haigh. Volunteering with Habitat is fun, but Susan's introduction will give you a chance to learn a bit about why A Brush With Kindness is so important to keeping people in their homes. 

Paint_brushesI addition to answers, you’ll meet a few site supervisors and volunteers. You’ll also get a chance to see the wonderful reaction of a homeowner the first time he sees how ABWK transformed his home. Hint: It’ll really make you want to volunteer on more projects! 

If you’ve already signed up to volunteer, we can’t wait to work with you. If you’re thinking about volunteering, or want to inspire someone else or a group to volunteer, then share this blog post and video.

After you’ve shared the video, go to our ABWK to sign up for your volunteer day. Don't forget to donate too, we can't do any of the work we do without donations from people like you.



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