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2 min read

VITA Sites Can Help You Prep for Tax Season

VITA Sites Can Help You Prep for Tax Season

Preparing and filing your taxes can be one of the most challenging parts of homeownership, but there are resources to help homeowners. A Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) tax prep site is a location where IRS-certified volunteers provide free tax preparation services to eligible individuals. The program is designed to help low-to-moderate income taxpayers, individuals with disabilities, the elderly, and those with limited English proficiency file their federal and state tax returns.

At a VITA site, volunteers assist taxpayers in preparing and e-filing their tax returns accurately, ensuring they receive all eligible tax credits (such as the Earned Income Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit). VITA sites are typically hosted at community centers, libraries, schools, and nonprofit organizations.

VITA logo
Am I eligible?

You are eligible to use a VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) site if you meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • Your income is $64,000 or less (some sites may have lower limits).
  • You have a disability.
  • You speak limited English and need assistance.
  • You are 60 years or older (many sites also offer Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE) services).

VITA sites cannot prepare returns for individuals with complicated tax situations, such as:

  • Rental income (Schedule E)
  • Self-employment with expenses over $35,000 or business losses
  • Complex investment income (e.g., capital gains, cryptocurrency, stock sales)

How do I find a VITA site?

To locate a Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) site in Minnesota, you have several options:

  1. Minnesota Department of Revenue's Free Tax Preparation Site Locator: This online tool allows you to search for VITA sites by ZIP code, county, or proximity. You can access it here: revenue.state.mn.us
  2. Interactive Map:The Minnesota Department of Revenue provides an interactive map displaying free tax preparation sites across the state. You can view the map here: experience.arcgis.com
  3. Automated Tax Site Locator Line: Call 651-297-3724 or 1-800-657-3989 to find a tax preparation site near you.

To confirm your eligibility and find a VITA site that fits your situation, visit the IRS's VITA site locator: irs.gov/VITA

Whether you decide to get help or do it yourself, these documents are needed to prepare your taxes.

What about my property taxes?

Your property tax bill is composed of both local and state property taxes and are typically due in two equal installments on May 15 and October 15. Most Habitat homeowners pay their property taxes through escrow. Escrow is a savings account  within your mortgage servicer so that large payments for property taxes (and homeowner’s insurance) can be covered by smaller monthly payments to the escrow account.

You have until August 15 to file for a property tax refund. Click for additional information about the due date: Filing for a Property Tax Refund | Minnesota Department of Revenue.

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