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2 min read

Advocate for Affordable Homeownership at Virtual Hill Day

Advocate for Affordable Homeownership at Virtual Hill Day

The Twin Cities Habitat Advocacy Team is excited to invite you to attend Virtual Hill Day in just a couple months! Since the onset of COVID-19 last spring, we've taken our advocacy online. Last year, over 150 advocacy supporters gathered for our first-ever Virtual Habitat on the Hill. Will you join us for Virtual Hill Day 2021?

Whether you’re a Habitat homeowner, donor, volunteer, Board Member, or community member, you have a part to play in advocating to expand access to homeownership. All are welcome!

Virtual Hill Day: The Details

Friday, April 30, 2021
11:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
Event will take place online.

At Virtual Hill Day, you’ll hear from affordable housing advocates, learn about solutions to address the housing crisis across Minnesota, and take action to support affordable homeownership.

You’ll also have the option to attend virtual meetings with your state lawmakers following the program. These meetings will allow you to connect with other Habitat supporters in your district, speak “face to face” with your state lawmakers, and advocate directly for affordable homeownership – all from the safety of your own home.

Check out our Frequently Asked Questions below for more information.

Virtual Hill Day blog feature

Frequently Asked Questions

What is advocacy and why is it important?

  • Advocacy is the act of supporting an issue or cause, of using your voice to stand for or against something that matters. Learn more.
  • Everyone’s voice is important. Elected officials have a responsibility to listen to and protect the interests of the people they represent. It’s your right to tell your lawmakers what you value. We'll help you do that from your own home!  
  • While Habitat partners with hundreds of people a year to expand access to affordable homeownership, systemic change is still needed to ensure everyone in our community has a place to call home. When you advocate, you can multiply our impact by helping to make sure our neighbors have access to affordable housing.


Why should I attend Virtual Hill Day?

  • Join a community of advocates and use your voice to make a difference.
  • Gain concrete skills and training. We’ll provide you with information about how to advocate virtually, whether through action alerts, social media, or meeting with your lawmakers online.
  • Exercise your own power through a supported, grassroots lobbying experience.
  • It’s fun! Of course, we’re biased – but it really is fun!


What can I bring to the table? Do I need to be an expert?

  • You are the expert of your own experiences; you do not need to be a professional lobbyist to be an effective advocate. Lawmakers hear from policy professionals all the time. When you share your experience and values as a constituent – through an email, call, or virtual meeting – you bring something unique and important to the table.
  • Your story can make a big difference. You can share your story with lawmakers—like your own experience of what home means to you, why you think Habitat for Humanity’s work is important, or how you or someone you know is in need of affordable housing.
  • You can invite your community. There’s strength in numbers! You can invite friends who care about affordable housing, family members looking to buy their first home, volunteers you met on a Habitat build site—everyone is welcome!


How will lawmaker meetings work?

  • On the registration form, indicate whether you’d like to attend meetings with lawmakers (your State Senator and State Representative). If so, we’ll do our best to schedule your meetings for the afternoon of April 30, although timing may vary depending on lawmaker availability.
  • You may be in a group with other constituents during the meeting.
  • We’ll provide you with a meeting outline, talking points, and other resources to help make your meeting a success. But the most important thing is showing up and sharing your perspective!


As a member of the Habitat for Humanity community, your voice can make a big difference. Thousands of families across Minnesota are reeling from the impacts of COVID-19. We need bold action at the state level to protect homeowners and ensure that everyone in Minnesota has a place to call home. You can be part of the solution. 

Register Now for Virtual Hill Day

Have any questions about Virtual Hill Day? Email Julia at Julia.Hobart@tchabitat.org to learn more.

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