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Twin Cities Habitat celebrating World Habitat Day

World Habitat Day is Monday, October 1st

The United Nations has designated the first Monday in October as World Habitat Day. This year the theme is: Many Homes, One Community. Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity supporters are taking part in several events between now and Monday to mark this occasion. Media are invited and encouraged to cover any of these events.

  • Friday-Sunday: Local churches, temples and mosques will take part in the International Day of Prayer and Action for Human Habitat.
  • Saturday: The Habitat home built by Holy Hammer volunteers at 418 Edmund Avenue in St. Paul will be dedicated in a public ceremony starting at 10AM.
  • Monday: Habitat volunteers will help make critical repairs to a home at 525 Sherburne Avenue in St. Paul. They’ll be working on site from 9am to 3pm.
  • Monday: The Twin Cities Habitat Book/Film Club will watch and discuss a documentary on affordable housing. They’ll meet at 7pm at Kings Crossing Senior Housing at 500 Dale Street in St. Paul.

All these activities are part of Twin Cities Habitat current Neighborhood Revitalization Initiative partnership with the Frogtown Neighborhood of St. Paul. Habitat supporters are also signing a letter asking Minnesota lawmakers to make affordable housing a top priority for them in the upcoming legislative session.

More information on World Habitat Day activities is available at www.tchabitat.org/habitatday.

Media contact:
Matt Haugen
Communications Manager for Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity
matt.haugen@tchabitat.org 612-305-7126 (office)

About Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity
Our mission is to eliminate poverty housing from the Twin Cities and to make decent, affordable shelter for all people a matter of conscience. An award-winning nonprofit housing developer, Twin Cities Habitat is committed to building the quality of life, health and economic prosperity of the region by producing, preserving and advocating for affordable homeownership – because homes and families are the foundation of successful communities. www.tchabitat.org

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