Empowerment in Building
As you may have read on our previous blog, Holy Hammers, a faith coalition group is celebrating their 20th year in partnership with Twin Cities...
As you may have read on our previous blog, Holy Hammers, a faith coalition group is celebrating their 20th year in partnership with Twin Cities...
The relationship between Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity and Holy Hammers started in 1999, and continues to this day. The coalition of churches from...
Wendy Harris is a giver. She gives her time, her talents, her knowledge, her friendship, her physical labor, and even her money to others in an...
For Todd Roach and his family, giving has always been a part of family life.
Guest Blog by Tom Prittinen, Twin Cities Habitat Summer AmeriCorps Service Member Hey folks! As a guest writer for this blog, let me introduce...
“Always do the right thing,” instructs the big block letters on the back of a t-shirt. It’s early May on a construction site in North Minneapolis and...
Some people think Habitat for Humanity is about helping people less fortunate than you. It’s really about looking past finances, seeing the humanity...
Meet our New Brighton ReStore wood-working volunteer, Calvin, everyone!
House Month Volunteers are individuals who choose to give a month of their time on a single project. They go through a training class, and get to see...
Carroll sporting his well-earned volunteer shirt *photo by Sara Kettering Most remember 1994 for things like Nelson Mandela, Kurt Cobain, or The Lion...