Couple personifies the “go-go” years of retirement
There are three stages of retirement. There’s the Go-Go, the Slow-Go, and the No-Go. You don’t know how you’re going to transition,” explained John...
There are three stages of retirement. There’s the Go-Go, the Slow-Go, and the No-Go. You don’t know how you’re going to transition,” explained John...
Al Onkka and Leigh Dotson got engaged in December and are getting married in July. The Minneapolis couple met in the fall of 2006 while serving as...
Jane Bolton has a new start in life. The tools of change? A hammer, some sturdy work boots, and her trademark cow-girl construction hat.
Without people like Ron Kuhn, Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity’s home building program would not be nearly as successful as it is. Ron is a volunteer...
In 1989 Cy and Madonna Kerber were redoing their kitchen and wanted to donate their cabinets to Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity.
While writing out her Christmas card list last year, Liz Mooty decided that she wanted the money she spent on this holiday effort to have a greater...
For its second week of construction, Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity’s Women Build project received two very special volunteers: Caitlin Cahow and...
Ten represents the number of days for which eighteen members proudly served on a Global Village team. In January 2009, a group of Twin Cities Habitat...
It all started with a dream; an actual dream.
When you donate to Twin Cities Habitat, you don’t just help the Twin Cities community; you help make a better world. That’s because we send 10...