Tips on Maintaining Your Home During Wintertime in Minnesota
With the extreme snow and cold we've come to expect during Minnesota winters, our team shares their tips on what you can do as a homeowner to prepare...
With the extreme snow and cold we've come to expect during Minnesota winters, our team shares their tips on what you can do as a homeowner to prepare...
We've all spent a lot of time at home this year. Whether it's been time spent working from home or learning from home, that space has provided...
Guest blog by Jesse Lindsey, Homeownership Preservation Assistant With great pleasure, TCHFH Lending, Inc. is pleased to announce the Escrow Shortage...
Guest blog by Jesse Lindsey, Homeownership Preservation Assistant Last week, Hennepin County launched the Hennepin County Homeownership Preservation...
Guest blog by Jesse Lindsey, Homeownership Preservation Assistant Homeownership is a fundamental part of building strong communities. At Twin Cities...
Warmer weather means it’s a great time to get outside. Are you looking for some fun outdoor DIY projects? Take a look at our latest DIY ideas and...
ReStore has been busy now that Spring is here! Continue to donate items that still have value, and stop by to pick up materials for new projects you...
To land their dream home in today’s ultra-competitive real estate market, buyers are making unexpected compromises. Making offers without ever...
If you have questions about the ReStore, take a look at this Recap, since we'll be answering a lot of them! You'll also find a couple of fun projects...
Safety is one of the main reasons seniors move out of their houses. If you or a loved one are among the 90% of people who want to live in their homes...