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2 min read

A Message from Habitat Board Chair Sharon Sayles Belton

A Message from Habitat Board Chair Sharon Sayles Belton

Throughout January, we're showering gratitude on all the Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity supporters who make our mission possible. We call it "Thankuary." To kick off Thankuary, read this blog for a message about the importance of home from Habitat's Board Chair.

Guest blog by Sharon Sayles Belton
Chair, Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity Board of Directors

Some of my fondest memories are associated with growing up in the family homestead on Fuller Avenue in St. Paul.

The fenced-in backyard had three apple trees and lots of open space for me and my sisters to play. There was plenty of space inside to do our homework, make necklaces out of macaroni, and turkeys out of paper plates. As I grew up, I dreamed about having my own house so that my children would have the same experience that I did.

My first apartment was a duplex. I lived on the second floor. My landlord had an illegal third apartment in the attic right above me. One day a fire broke out in the illegal unit, and we all had to evacuate the building. It was several days before we could come back because of the smoke. My landlord put our infant daughter and the rest of my family at serious risk. It was time for me and my family to find a safer place to live. The apartment was affordable, but it was not safe. Finding “safe” and affordable housing was hard. At times it felt like it was impossible.

One day, my neighbor Jacque told me about the city of Minneapolis’ first-time homebuyer program and a nonprofit group that was rehabbing housing in my neighborhood. I did not think that I would qualify for this program, but I did. Yes, I had to make a few sacrifices over several months to come up with the down payment. In the end, I was able to purchase the perfect home for our family.

When our family grew in size, we were able to leverage the value of our first home to buy a larger home. When the children grew up and were ready to attend college we were able to leverage the value of the second home to pay for their college education. What a blessing!  

Sharon Sayles Belton at buildHere is a picture of me standing outside at a Twin Cities Habitat build in North Minneapolis. Just a little dusty after a full day of work putting up drywall!

Thanks to all the supporters, volunteers, and donors to Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity for believing in our mission to build safe and affordable housing and to prepare families for successful homeownership.

Homeownership really changes peoples’ lives!

Thank you for making the dream of homeownership come true for families in the Twin Cities!

Check out our most recent Annual Report to see stories of your generosity in action.

See Online Annual Report

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