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1 min read

Ryland Homes making huge gift for Builders Blitz 2012 in Savage

What: Ryland Homes is building a house with Twin Cities Habitat in Savage as part of the Habitat Builders Blitz 2012. Twin Cities Habitat estimates Ryland Homes and its construction partners will contribute $145,000 worth of materials, labor and waived fees for the project. This home is one of four Habitat homes being built side-by-side in Savage this summer, making the community one of Twin Cities Habitat’s busiest.

When: Construction starts Tuesday, May 29 and is scheduled to finish the first week of July.

Where: 14829 Hampshire Avenue in Savage, MN. The home is next to the three other Twin Cities Habitat homes being built.

Background: The annual Builders Blitz is a partnership between Habitat for Humanity affiliates and America’s building community. The goal for 2012 is to build or restore more than 200 homes in 100 different communities around the country.

Ryland Homes has built 295,000 homes over the past 45 years. It is the eighth largest homebuilder in the nation.

Storytelling: The construction progress will be updated online. A time lapse video will also be posted there of the home being built. Interviews can be arranged with spokespeople from Ryland Homes, Twin Cities Habitat and the homebuyer family. Visits to the construction site for pictures, video and interviews can also be arranged.

Currently Twin Cities Habitat is looking for more volunteers, families, congregations and businesses to partner with in Savage and the surrounding communities. More information on Twin Cities Habitat is available online at www.tchabitat.org.

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