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Raise the Roof Golf Event A Success

Raise the Roof Golf Event A Success

RTR2017 golfer.jpgThe weather could not have been better on Monday, August 7, when over 120 golfers and volunteers turned out for the annual Raise the Roof Golf Tournament at Minneapolis Golf Club. Now in its 22nd year, the tournament provides golfers a chance to play on Minneapolis Golf Club’s exclusive course, all while helping raise funds for Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity’s important work.

Between sponsorship dollars, silent and live auctions, and an impressive fund a need, which brought in $15,000 alone, this year’s event raised over $145,000 to support safe, stable, affordable homeownership in our community. As Habitat President & CEO Sue Haigh noted in her remarks at the event:

“Affordable homeownership is a game changer for a family. They have money left in their budget for nutritious food and saving for college. Their kids get to stay in the same school year after year. The parents get the chance to save money and go back to school. The impact of your day golfing – and your gifts – multiplies with each year that a family owns a home.”

So many people and organizations contributed to the success, but aRTR17 Foursome.jpg special thank you to our Raise the Roof committee: co-chairs Judy McNamara and Mike Nordstrom, and Mike Boyack, Brad Forrest, and Mike Mooney; and to our presenting sponsors CMP Companies and Reuter Walton Construction.

Check out pictures of the event here and mark your calendars for next year's event on August 6, 2018!

click to make a donation to Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity

Join the 2020 Raise the Roof Charity Golf Tournament for Homeowners During COVID-19

Join the 2020 Raise the Roof Charity Golf Tournament for Homeowners During COVID-19

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Raise the Roof was a Hole In One

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