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Events and Adventures Volunteers Spend a Day Building at Net-Zero Energy Home

Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity invites a wide array of volunteer groups to help build community at Habitat build sites. Be it a group of...

Introducing A New Tithe Recipient: Ethiopia

Every year, Twin Cities Habitat “tithes” ten percent of all privately raised undesignated funds to support Habitat’s mission worldwide with a goal of...

#ThankfulThursday | Affordable Housing Advocates

For today’s #ThankfulThursday post, we wanted to recognize all the people that are lending their voice and helping Habitat in educating policy makers...

Shirley Passes Her Knowledge on to New Homeowners

Two Harbors Investment Corp. Announces Partnership with Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity

Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity is excited to announce a new partnership with Two Harbors Investment Corp. The Minnetonka-based real estate...

#ThankfulThursday | Corporate Partners

For today's #ThankfulThursday post, we wanted to recognize the generosity of the Twin Cities corporate community as a major contributor to the high...

The Power of Women Impacting Community Luncheon & Salon Discussion
As seen on KARE 11 this morning, our Women of Habitat program is hosting The Power of Women Impacting Community Luncheon & Salon Discussion on...

Work, Respect, Belong
Work, Respect, Belong. That is the motto at Collin Griffith’s school. When he speaks of the teachers and students there he beams with a sense pride.

Thank you Veterans!

On this Veterans Day, we at Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity want to offer our sincere thanks to all the men and women who serve in our Armed Forces!...