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Make housing a priority in the state budget

Make housing a priority in the state budget

Legislator Meeting 2011The clock is ticking on negotiations to avert a State Government shutdown and we need your help now to make sure housing is a priority in the final budget and bonding discussions.

In the last week of session Twin Cities Habitat, along with other housing supporters, rallied at the Capitol to ask members of the Capital Investment Committee to ensure resources for affordable housing are a part of the final budget and possible bonding bill. The session ended with a stalemate over Minnesota’s looming $5 billion deficit, no agreement on a bonding bill and the possibility of a government shutdown. With just three weeks left before the June 30th deadline there is much to be done, and you can be part of the solution.

Contact your Legislators and encourage them to include bonding and appropriations for housing in the final negotiations!

Send an Email.

Attend a Town hall Meeting with your Legislator.

Write a Letter to the editor of your local paper expressing the importance of including bonds for housing as it generates jobs, preserves important community assets and is a great investment of state resources, and creates homes.

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Thank You Advocates!

Dear Housing Advocates: After Nearly three weeks of State Government shutdown the Governor and Legislature finally came to an agreement and approved...

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Thank you Advocates - 2011 successes

Dear Housing Advocates: After Nearly three weeks of State Government shutdown the Governor and Legislature finally came to an agreement and approved...

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