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2 min read

A Message from Habitat Board Chair John Walbrun

A Message from Habitat Board Chair John Walbrun

Throughout January, we're showering gratitude on all the Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity supporters who make our mission possible. We call it "Thankuary." In our blog this month, you'll see stories about generosity in action from members of the Habitat community. Read this blog for a message of gratitude from Habitat's Board Chair.

Guest blog by John Walbrun
Chair, Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity Board of Directors

John Walbrun Headshot

Hello Habitat Community.

As we begin 2021, we must stop to say thank you to everyone that helped us get through 2020 and who made the Habitat mission a priority. Despite the social, political, and health challenges in our community, our supporters rose to the challenge to prioritize those in need. This is both selfless and incredibly inspiring and makes me extremely proud to walk alongside this incredible Habitat community.

In a year like 2020, with so many people in our community challenged and hurting, there was great uncertainty about philanthropy in general. Would non-profits be able to continue to support the communities that needed them now, more than ever? Business as usual would never work in a year like 2020. It would require extra ordinary efforts from the entire Habitat community to continue to deliver on the mission. Our incredible individual donors, the hundreds of business and organization partners, the thousands of volunteers, and the incredible Habitat team all stepped up, dug deeper, changed more, and made certain that the answer for Habitat was yes, we would indeed continue to support our community.

In a typical year, the calendar flips from December 31st to January 1st and we hug our friends and family, toast to the new year, and begin another year with renewed commitment to make improvements personally or professionally. But 2020 was not a typical year. We have all been challenged personally, emotionally, and professionally. Interactions with family, friends, co-workers, and our communities have changed in ways that none of us could have anticipated when that calendar last flipped, and we began 2020.

I was blessed to be given the opportunity to join the Habitat team in 2014. I wanted to be part of an organization that impacted many and was fortunate that my leaders offered me the chance to learn more about Habitat. I knew of the Habitat mission, but would learn of the impact Habitat could have on so many aspects of a family’s life, including health and wellness, education, job opportunities, financial stability, and so much more. I would come to appreciate the army of individuals that would support Habitat with sweat equity, financial resources, or in-kind donations. Any one individual can have a meaningful impact, and any one business partner can have a meaningful impact. However, when thousands of like-minded individuals combine their resources, along with their mental and physical horsepower, amazing things are possible. This has inspired me to invite others into the Habitat community and I hope it inspires each of you to invite others as well.

We look towards 2021 with great hope and faith that the Habitat community will not only continue to make a difference in our community, but will also continue to work to find ways to help even more families. It is with great sincerity that we thank each of you in the Habitat community for making a difference in 2020. Cheers to 2021!

Check out our 2020 Annual Report, Home is Everything, to see stories of your generosity in action.

See Online Annual Report

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