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It's World Habitat Day - Here are 4 actions you can take today

World_Habitat_Day_logoWorld Habitat Day is a day set aside to remember that safe, decent affordable housing should be a right for all human beings. World Habitat Day is also a day for taking concrete action!

Here are a few things you can do today, right now, to have a positive impact on the crisis in affordable housing:

1. Sign yourself or your team up for a sponsored volunteer team build day.

2. Donate your unneeded household goods, appliances or building materials to the ReStore.

3. Advocate for your friend, neighbor or colleague to improve their housing conditions.

5. Donate today to support Habitat’s affordable housing programs locally.

Bringing Light to Léogâne with Habitat Haiti

Bringing Light to Léogâne with Habitat Haiti

In 2010, Twin Cities Habitat made a four-year commitment to allocate its tithe to financially supportHabitat for Humanity’s work in Haiti,...

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Increasing Support for Habitat's Global Mission

Increasing Support for Habitat's Global Mission

Back in 1979, at a home dedication in Zaire, Habitat founder Millard Fuller received a tithe donation of $200. That gift was used to launch a new...

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A new partnership with Habitat for Humanity Ethiopia

1 min read

A new partnership with Habitat for Humanity Ethiopia

The vast majority of the work that Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity does centers around helping families in our metro area as they work to find...

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