“We sometimes see a small drop in volunteers during winter months,” says Engagement Associate, Lizzy Reilly. That’s why the volunteer team created a Winter Warrior campaign.
So, what is a Winter Warrior you ask?
It’s anyone that volunteers three times between December and February. You can volunteer at a build site, or ReStore home improvement outlets.
Because affordable housing doesn’t take snow days, Winter Warrior volunteers receive a limited-edition beanie with the Twin Cities Habitat brand.
“It’s become a badge of honor,” says Anne Elliott-Thul, Senior Volunteer/Donor Development Manager. “We don’t give away these items to anyone. They are earned and worn with pride!”
Winter Warriors can expect many different types of jobs and it’s not always outside in the cold. Much of the work that needs to be done this time of year is finishing work, like interior painting under a warm roof and exterior walls. Those volunteering at the ReStore also have stable conditions inside, unless you are accepting donations and loading/unloading items into people’s vehicles. No matter how you may choose to volunteer this season, we hope you join our fight to make home a reality for everyone!