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How You Can Help Habitat Right Now

How You Can Help Habitat Right Now

I don't normally share a message like this one. But these are unprecedented times.

The Coronavirus outbreak is already hurting Habitat's clients. We've had to suspend our operations—new applicants can't meet with our staff. Homebuilding has stalled. 

Can you please send a special gift to Habitat right now to help?

Every day, you rely on people just like those who partner with us. Especially during this global emergency. Our clients are nurses, food service workers, bus drivers, airport employees. Some are seeing hours slashed or wages eliminated. Others are working double-time to keep our community safe. The effects of this crisis will have ripple effects for months to come.

In a time when very little is certain, you can help build stability and certainty for your neighbors with a gift to Habitat.

We’ve been deeply touched by the messages we’re receiving asking how you can help. There are so many important organizations in need right now. Please consider including Twin Cities Habitat when you give generously to support your community.

When we get back to work, we'll need to double down to support local families who are counting on us. There are no extra funds in our budget to meet this unexpected and urgent need.

Your action is needed now. Please send a gift today to support local families. 

As part of the Habitat family, you understand the power of community action. Thank you for your continued support during this time. And thank you for playing your part in promoting the well-being of our entire community.

Chris Signature
Chris Coleman
President & CEO

P.S. Most of our operations are suspended until March 29, at the earliest. See the latest information on our COVID-19 web page.

Three rows of white Twin Cities Habitat hard hats on a workbench.


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