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Housing advocates playing games at the Capitol

Why invest in housing? Lawmakers to play a game at the Capitol during a committee meeting to get answers

What: The Housing Finance and Policy Committee will be playing Twin Cities Habitat’s “Return on Investment” game during their meeting on Monday, January 14. The game is similar to The Price is Right (but without Drew Carey).

When: During the last half hour of the 12:30-2:00pm meeting on Monday, Jan. 14.
Where: The Basement Hearing Room of the State Office Building
100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, St. Paul (next to the State Capitol)

Background: The “Return on Investment” game is used by Twin Cities Habitat to engage volunteers and the public in a conversation about the importance of targeted investment in housing. During the meeting Habitat advocates will join the lawmakers in this interactive activity. The goal is to change the conversation around housing at the Capitol and bring different political factions together to look for common ground that solutions can be built upon during this session. The game will be led by Trista Matascastillo and Jill Kilibarda, staff members of Twin Cities Habitat. This promises to be a truly unique committee meeting.

About Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity

Our mission is to eliminate poverty housing from the Twin Cities and to make decent, affordable shelter for all people a matter of conscience. An award-winning nonprofit housing developer, Twin Cities Habitat is committed to building the quality of life, health and economic prosperity of the region by producing, preserving and advocating for affordable homeownership – because homes and families are the foundation of successful communities.

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