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Helping MN veterans secure safe, affordable homes

New outreach effort from Twin Cities Habitat begins with veterans repairing the home of an injured Iraq War hero for the National Day of Service on Sept. 10th

Event details:
Monday, September 10th

8am-10am: “Welcome Home” ceremony at American Legion at 3751 Minnehaha Ave. in Mpls.
10am-3pm: Veterans will repair the home of Sgt. Brian Neill at 3915 Minnehaha Ave.

Those in attendance will include:
US Senator Al Franken
Susan Haigh, CEO of Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity
Sgt. Brian Neill, his family and his former commander
Specialist Brian Christianson (who Sgt. Neill saved while in Iraq)
Representatives from the MN Army National Guard

Background Information:
Coverage of this event will help local veterans connect with Twin Cities Habitat. Veterans are disproportionately affected by affordable housing issues. We are looking to partner with veterans that need home repairs, foreclosure counseling or are interested in becoming Habitat homebuyers. Plus, many veterans are looking for opportunities to continue to serve in their communities and volunteering with Habitat is an excellent way for them to do this. 

The National Day of Service was created to mark the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. People are encouraged to honor the day by volunteering in their community. Twin Cities Habitat volunteers will also be working on Sgt. Neill’s home on Tuesday, September 11th 2012.

Sgt. Neill served in the National Guard for 23 years. He suffered extensive injuries during his tours in Iraq. During his deployment, Sgt. Neill’s son was hit and severely injured by a drunk driver while returning from his Junior ROTC training. Now Sgt. Neill’s wife cares for the family.

Note: Even if you do not cover this event, please help Twin Cities Habitat get the word out that we are looking for veterans and their families to work with around housing issues.

About Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity
Our mission is to eliminate poverty housing from the Twin Cities and to make decent, affordable shelter for all people a matter of conscience. Twin Cities Habitat is committed to building the quality of life, health and economic prosperity of the region by producing, preserving and advocating for affordable homeownership – because homes and families are the foundation of successful communities.

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