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Free housing empowerment expo Saturday, January 26

Hundreds of Twin Cities families are expected to attend Twin Cities Habitat's 2nd Annual Housing Empowerment Expo on Saturday, January 26 from 1pm-5pm. The event will be at Shiloh Temple International Ministries at 1201 West Broadway Avenue North in Minneapolis 55411.

This Housing Empowerment Expo is a chance for people to learn about all the programs Habitat offers – and get other housing-related resources from community organizations. Hundreds of families are expected to attend. This event is completely FREE and is sponsored by the Northside Pastor’s Collaborative. There will be free legal aide provided by U of M law students. People struggling to pay their mortgage or going through foreclosure can explore their options with help from Habitat’s Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention counselors. There will information on what it takes to become a Habitat homebuyer. Plus, details on Habitat’s home repair program known as A Brush with Kindness. KMOJ radio will be broadcasting live from the expo for part of the day.

About Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity
Our mission is to eliminate poverty housing from the Twin Cities and to make decent, affordable shelter for all people a matter of conscience. An award-winning nonprofit housing developer, Twin Cities Habitat is committed to building the quality of life, health and economic prosperity of the region by producing, preserving and advocating for affordable homeownership – because homes and families are the foundation of successful communities.

Habitat Housing Empowerment Expo

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