Calling Habitat for Humanity Housing Heroes: now is the time to act!
“Who is a hero?” Sue Haigh, President and CEO of Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity (TCHFH), asked that question at a recent gathering of 100 of the...
1 min read
matt haugen
2:49 PM on March 6, 2017
If there was a Housing Hero spotlight beacon (think Bat-Signal) that we could turn on above the State Capitol in St. Paul we’d be doing it right now. The capitol is flooded with activity these days as invigorated citizens visit lawmakers with all kinds of requests. So, if you want to see our leaders make smart investments in the places we call home—now is the time to act. It’s really easy.
Here are four free ways you can have an impact by raising your voice.
All the bills backed by the Homes for All coalition (which Twin Cities Habitat is proud to be a part of) have been introduced. They include funding for the Department of Health and Human Services (HF874 and SF658 ) and Minnesota Housing Finance Agency (HF1470 and SF1540), plus bonding proposals to spur housing construction (HF864 and SF0666). Find out if your Representative or Senator is one of the 39 authors leading the charge on housing. Click here to send a thank you email to them.
The Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless (another member of the Homes for All coalition) organizes this great day of advocacy. If you haven’t been to the newly renovated State Capitol yet, this is a great opportunity. Hurry, the deadline to sign up is midnight Monday, March 6.
We’re getting all the Habitat Housing Heroes together from around the state. You’ll get a t-shirt, a box lunch, and training on meeting with lawmakers. You can sign up now.
Lawmakers do like hearing from their constituents. We’re happy to help you. You can email Caitlin and she will let you know who your representatives are and how to reach out to them. She’ll even help coordinate an in-person meeting for you.
If you’re looking to have a positive impact on our community right now—being a housing advocate is a great way to start.
Your gift unlocks bright futures! Donate now to create, preserve, and promote affordable homeownership in the Twin Cities.
“Who is a hero?” Sue Haigh, President and CEO of Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity (TCHFH), asked that question at a recent gathering of 100 of the...
The 2015 session of the Minnesota Legislature started on Tuesday, January 6th. Last session, TCHFH worked with over 150 other organizations in the...
The Habitat Housing Hero advocates were really active during the 2017 legislative session and all that work paid off as lawmakers approved...