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First Eagan Habitat for Humanity home underway

Community Build Day bringing Mayor and local leaders together as construction volunteers on Thursday, Oct. 10

What: More than 1,000 families have purchased Twin Cities Habitat homes across the metro. Soon, a family will buy the first Habitat home ever completed in Eagan.

Where: The home is at 1317 Easter Lane, Eagan 55123

When: Thursday, October 10 from 8:30am – 4:00pm. Arrive between 9am-noon to get the best pictures and video of construction and interviews with volunteers.

The Eagan volunteers at this Community Build Day will include:

  • Eagan Mayor Mike Maguire
  • State Representative Laurie Halvorson
  • Eagan City Councilmember Gary Hansen
  • Eagan City Councilmember Paul Bakken

Background information:
This home went through foreclosure and Bank of America donated it to Habitat. It needs extensive repairs which are being completed by Habitat volunteers. A family has not been matched to this home yet. All Habitat homebuyer families are required to put in 300-500 hours of sweat equity, complete homeownership training courses on finances and maintenance and pay Habitat’s mortgage. The mortgage payments from Habitat homebuyers make it possible for more homes to be built.

Media contact: Matt Haugen, Communications Manager for Twin Cities Habitat matt.haugen@tchabitat.org 612-305-7126 (office)

About Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity

Our mission is to eliminate poverty housing from the Twin Cities and to make safe, decent, affordable shelter for all people a matter of conscience. Twin Cities Habitat is committed to building the quality of life, health and economic prosperity of the region by producing, preserving and advocating for affordable homeownership – because homes and families are the foundation of successful communities. www.tchabitat.org.

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