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1 min read

Erik's Story: I helped make my home safe again

Erik's Story: I helped make my home safe again

We recently held a Stories of Home Contest where we asked Twin Cities Habitat homeowners to share a story answering the question: "What does your home mean to you?" Here's one of the winning stories in the homeowner's own voice. Story and photos shared with their permission.

Written by 8-year-old Erik B., whose family partnered with the A Brush with Kindness home repair program in 2018.

Erik in his home

What does your home mean to you?

When I think about my home, I think of my shelter and comfort.  Every day, it keeps me healthy and holds important luxury things to me like peace and quiet spaces. My home protects my family and other great things like my toys, books and slippers. It has my bed and my bedroom. My home has safe places where I hide my money, and the basement is a safe place to go when it storms. And that is good because I hid down there with my dad when the tornado came to our neighborhood 7 years ago. It protects my Christmas presents like my soldering kit. I look forward to relaxing and watching tv on the couch after I come in from playing in the back yard. And sometimes after I have dinner with my family or after a long day of school. I love my home.

I have many memories of what happened over the summer when our house was being fixed up. At the beginning, we had to leave because they had to scrape lead paint off our home. I helped carry ladders and they let me paint my house! I even painted my sister in fun, and now we have clothes just for painting. I really enjoyed using the spin dryer for the paint brushes. I learned that even moldy wood can be too strong for me to kick through! I made a really good friend named Lillie. My sister and I passed out pop-sickles to everybody when it was too hot.

It was a very important summer for me. It was also probably the most fun I ever had being a part of making my home safe again.

Erik helping the volunteers with paint
Erik helping the volunteers paint his home.

Erik holding his soldering kit
Erik with his soldering kit.

Erik and his dad watering a plant
Erik and his dad watering a plant in their beautiful backyard.

Erik and his family playing a game
Erik's family loves playing games together.

Erik peeking out from his fence

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