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Entrepreneurs House: 13 Years and Counting

Entrepreneurs House: 13 Years and Counting

Last Monday, a group of local entrepreneurs came together for the Entrepreneurs House Breakfast kickoff event at Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity's main office. Over 25 local companies, investment firms, and other businesses were represented at the event.

EHouse_Breakfast_Presentation"The Entrepreneurs house breakfast brings representatives from dozens of our participating companies together to build momentum and excitement for the 2015 build while also celebrating all the program has accomplished. Over 150 companies have contributed to E-House since the program began, engaging over 5,000 employee volunteers and raising over $1.2 million to support Twin Cities Habitat," said Riley Moynihan, Corporate Relations Sr. Associate at Twin Cities Habitat.

 EHouse_Breakfast_2015The 2015 Entrepreneurs House (or "E-House" for short), marks the 13th year that volunteers from the entrepreneurial community have come together to partner with Twin Cities Habitat to build a home for a local family. The project provides businesses a valuable team-building experience, and the opportunity to make a difference in the local community.

Over the past 12 years, the E-House program has experienced tremendous growth. In 2003, the group started working just 10 days, involving 125 employees, and raising $39,000 for the project. Last year's E-House build involved over 600 volunteers, 50 days and raised $110,000! In 2015, the group is seeking to involve more than 600 employees from 50 companies, and raise $150,000 for the home that will be built in Fridley.

  2003 2014 2015 Goals
Days Worked 10 50 50+
Employees Involved 125 600+ 600+
Total Dollars Raised $39K $110K $150K

The 2015 E-House build will begin in June and run through August, and entrepreneurial companies are invited to bring a team of employees to work on the house for a full day (8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.). Visit the Entrepreneurs House web page and fill out the Contact Us form to learn how your company can get involved, and how to become an E-House sponsor!

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