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2 min read

Celebrating Two New Homes

Celebrating Two New Homes

Together neighbors, volunteers, donors, Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity staff, supporters and families placed their hands on the walls to bless the new homes of Ruquia Duale & Abdishakur Mohamed and Mohamed Idris & Caltu Sani at last night's joint dedication.

new homeowners Ruquia & Abdishakur with their familyExcitement was in the air as the younger kids ran from room to room, filling the house with joyful shrieks, little pounding feet and an almost constant ringing doorbell.

Karin O'Connor, a loyal volunteer and member of Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity's Dedication Committee was our Emcee for the celebration. She thanked volunteers, sponsors and the families for combining their efforts to create these beautiful homes. 

Rick Jackson, representing Bethlehem Lutheran Church of Minneapolis (a contributing sponsor) opened the dedication with a prayer.

He recalled the Habitat for Humanity mission and a quote by founder Millard Fuller which states: "We may disagree on all sorts of things. But thank God we can all agree that a nail and a hammer can be used as an instrument to manifest God's love." "Thank you for all agreeing on a hammer and a nail," Rick finished. 

Mohamed and Caltu with their family

Our new homeowners spoke next. They thanked the volunteers and crews who they had worked with to build their homes. They looked forward to raising their, collectively, 11 children in a safe, stable location. Mohamed thanked the Habitat staff for "the support and the yard for my family to play."

Dave Madzo, site supervisor of Ruquia & Mohamed's new home recognized the important role the families have in the building process. Speaking about his fifteen years of building with Habitat he said "the best thing is to hear the kids running along the floors. That is why we do it." 

new homeowners Mohamed and Caltu and their familyThe other speakers echoed his sentiments, sharing the reasons working with Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity is so important for them. Eva Stukenberg of Thrivent Financial (a major sponsor and long-term partner with Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity) said the two words that came to mind for her were "hope and love. It is an honor and a blessing for Thrivent to be apart of this special moment." 

Cathy Lawrence, Vice President of Resource Development and Community Engagement at Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity, shared the definition of a home as a space where families gather, prepare food, rest and celebrate. "Tonight we are here to celebrate your families!" 

Karin made special mention of the countless behind the scenes donors who continue to supply us with the materials needed to create safe, comfortable places for families to live. 

In a heartwarming moment Win Curtiss, a member of the Dedication Committee, shared a final blessing for the homes and Dave led all in attendance to reach out to the walls, coming together in support of the families one more time.  

Special thank you to Thrivent Financial, the Baller Family, Barr Engineering, Faegre Baker Daniels, Plymouth Congregational Church, Westminster Presbyterian Church and Bethlehem Lutheran Church of Minneapolis and many others for generously supporting this home's construction, contributing volunteer hours, and helping to build two new homes. 

Learn more about events at Twin Cities Habitat

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