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2 min read

Celebrating One Year of Volunteer and Learn

Celebrating One Year of Volunteer and Learn

One year ago, in spring 2024, Twin Cities Habitat announced a new program for homeowners and homebuyers: Volunteer and Learn with Habitat. This innovation preserved the best intentions of the Sweat Equity program while creating a new opportunity for partnership. We got rid of the one-size-fits-all approach that required homebuyers to complete a set number of volunteer hours, instead creating a new vision grounded in our equity work and centering homeowners. The program's goal is to ensure homeowners thrive in their new homes. Volunteer and Learn offers workshops, skill-building days, and community events for participants to build community, learn about financial wellbeing, and improve home maintenance skills.

In 2024, Volunteer and Learn saw amazing success. Homeowners participated in various activities to develop home maintenance skills, engage with peers, and strengthen connections within the Habitat community. Here's what participants had to say about their experiences:

  • "This is so helpful! I forgot so much from the walk-through before purchase."

  • "There is so much wisdom in this room."

  • "I will be back."

  • "I am not available on weekdays. Weekend options work for my family."

  • "Can't wait for the next event I can attend."

During the past year, staff have hosted an average of two events each month, with an overall attendance of 234 homeowners. Together, we have celebrated homeownership at the Harrison Recreation Center and the St. Paul Children's Museum, volunteered on Twin Cities Habitat home across the metro, attended in-person and virtual trainings, and more.

Our staff continues to adapt and expand the program, relying on participant and homeowner feedback. Offerings are created based on Twin Cities Habitat homeowners' needs and requests. Check out our upcoming opportunities or learn more at tchabitat.org/learn. Here are some highlights from the past year:

Build Community Events

Skill Builder Events

Learn Together Events

  • Blooms and Beyond: Spring Yard Prep Workshop

  • MN Tool Library Tours

  • Homeowner Celebrations

  • Homeowners' Association (HOA) Presentation

  • Homeowner's Insurance Class

  • Home Maintenance Workshops: Electrical, Drywall, Plumbing, and Using Hand Tools

  • Community Associations Institute (CAI) Board Training

  • Selling Your Home

Terry Barnes and Habitat homeowners planting_small

Future Volunteer and Learn opportunities include a Capital Improvements Credit webinar, more Homeowner Celebrations, a patio barbeque, a workshop about money psychology, and more.

Volunteer and Learn group January 2024We're excited to continue developing Volunteer and Learn in 2025 and beyond. In partnership with Habitat homeowners, we're creating a framework that grows and adapts with the needs of our community. We're collaborating, removing barriers, providing more opportunities, and encouraging engagement—and having fun together along the way.

Edgar, a Habitat homeowner and Volunteer and Learn participant, shared, "I'm grateful to Habitat's program to help people in need to own a house. This is a very great and nice program. Habitat loves to help everybody, and I am grateful that I was one of those families."

Want to join us? There are so many ways to get involved! No matter how you support our mission, you're making a difference right in the Twin Cities.

Learn about Volunteer and Learn

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