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Celebrating New Beginnings

Celebrating New Beginnings

If you are looking for an image of strength, perseverance, and determination, look no further than a Habitat homeowner. 

On Tuesday evening, Habitat staff and supporters celebrated five Habitat homeowners that have gone through our Open Market program. This is the second celebration of participants that have completed a very new program that is part of Habitat's four-year plan— to double the number of families that can partner with us on buying homes. The Open Market program allows homebuyers to use a Habitat mortgage, originated through TCHFH Lending Inc., to purchase a home that wasn't built or developed by Twin Cities Habitat. Families work with a realtor to find a home for sale in the seven-county metro area. Our Five Open Market Families

The celebrated families: Kera, Tyresa, Haile, Leng and Doua, Pavel and Tamara, completed Habitat homeownership classes and one-on-one sessions with Habitat financial coaches, to get ready for paying a mortgage and the responsibilities of homeownership.

One homeowner, Tyresa, was informed about the program by her Bishop, "I worked so hard in these classes. I thank God for this program."

Multiple homeowners were appreciative of the tools they gained from the experience and are thrilled to be starting this new chapter. Homeowner, Leng, was happy to meet the other four homeowners and share this experience.

Habitat Intake Coordinator, Jessa, spoke on behalf of the financial coaches that worked with the homeowners. "All families here envisioned themselves in a home. We are so happy for you."Five Open Market Homebuyers

Sue Haigh, President and CEO of Twin Cities Habitat, was overwhelmed by the commitment of the five families. As she spoke to the homeowners and their children, she couldn't help but think how this home will change all their lives: "Your kids will do better in school, they will be happier and healthier. We believe in homeownership and you are all part of the miracle of Habitat."

As always, to end a Habitat Home Dedication is to present the families with a framed golden rule. Beth Jacob, Twin Cities Habitat Board Member, was thrilled to be presenting this gift to the families: "It is inspiring to see all of you; home is a place that is very dear to me. I'm so incredibly happy for you all." Beth reminded us all that the golden rule is rooted in kindess and love, which filled the room that evening. 


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