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1 min read

Carlson employees helping build community in North Mpls

Media event for the kickoff of a new Habitat home – Monday, September 17

On Monday September 17, Twin Cities Habitat will dedicate a home built by Carlson volunteers at 2210 Irving Avenue North and officially kickoff another Carlson-sponsored home next door.

“This is a neighborhood that is growing stronger every day,” says Minneapolis City Councilman Don Samuels, who lives down the street from these Habitat homes. “Families are moving in and there is real positive energy that is being generated here.”

“Carlson is a great example of a Minnesota company that is truly dedicated to giving back and building community,” says Susan Haigh, CEO and President of Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity.

“Carlson’s employee volunteers are proud to be a partner of Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity, an organization that does so much good for so many in our community,” says Trudy Rautio, Carlson President and CEO.

Please come and cover this positive story about a neighborhood where residents are standing up and standing together for safe, decent homes to raise their children in.

Event Details:

Monday, September 17th at 2206 Irving Avenue North in Minneapolis

3:00–3:30: News Conference with:

Carlson’s new CEO and President Trudy Rautio

Twin Cities Habitat CEO Susan Haigh

Habitat Homebuyer Family

3:30–4:30: Photo ops of volunteers and the CEOs building

5:00: Dedication of home at 2210 Irving Avenue

About Carlson

Carlson is a global hospitality and travel company headquartered in Minneapolis, Minn. Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group includes more than 1,300 hotels in operation and development, including, Radisson Blu, Radisson®, Park Plaza®; Park Inn by Radisson, Country Inns & Suites By CarlsonSM and Hotel Missoni; more than 900 T.G.I. Friday’s® restaurants; and a majority stake in Carlson Wagonlit Travel®, the global leader in business travel management. Carlson operates in more than 150 countries and territories and its brands employ more than 170,000 people. For more information, please visit Carlson’s website: http://www.carlson.com


About Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity

Our mission is to eliminate poverty housing from the Twin Cities and to make decent, affordable shelter for all people a matter of conscience. Twin Cities Habitat is committed to building the quality of life, health and economic prosperity of the region by producing, preserving and advocating for affordable homeownership – because homes and families are the foundation of successful communities. www.tchabitat.org

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