End of Legislative Session Recap 2018
Minnesota’s 2018 legislative session ended on Sunday, May 20, with a flurry of activity in the hours before the constitutional deadline. With only...
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Guest Blogger
9:30 AM on April 3, 2018
Guest Blog by Pam Johnson,
Public Policy & Advocacy Manager
Team Advocacy is six weeks into the state legislative Session with a FULL Agenda!
Our statewide Homes for All Coalition (200+ organizations) is working to secure and protect resources for affordable housing across the continuum, seeking $140 million in bonding and $10 million in appropriations from the state’s General Fund.
We have been meeting with legislators to advance a dozen bills related to these goals. We have also been making our case in hearings to Committee members who decide which bills will advance. As a Minnesota Asset Building Coalition member (150+ organizations), we are supporting several bills that address equity issues related to asset protection and development.
You can show your support of these bonding and bill efforts by contacting your legislators and asking them to continue making housing a priority this session.
We are directing extra attention to The Workforce Homeownership Minnesota (WHOM) bill, which seeks to generate $10 million per year for affordable homeownership development.
WHOM has support from the Homes for All Coalition, the Governor’s Task Force on Housing, and bi-partisan legislators in the House and Senate. Our collaborative is comprised of 25 Community Action Agencies, eight Housing Land Trusts, Manufactured Housing Cooperatives, and community developers like Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity. We seek to provide a range of housing solutions to communities statewide experiencing a shortage of ownership opportunities for a growing workforce.
With wages stagnant, and housing costs rising, we are working together to secure a source of dedicated revenue to double the number of affordable homeownership opportunities in Minnesota.
In 2016 the Legislature designated a Workforce Homeownership Fund of $750,000 within the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency as a one-year pilot program. The Agency received over $6 million in requests!
Eligible uses for these funds include:
Originally, the Agency simplified the application process, selecting two Metro and two Greater Minnesota projects for one-time support. Our proposal offers a unique mechanism to build upon this pilot, by simply capturing the growth in mortgage registry and deed transfer taxes annually for 10 years.
Minnesota holds the nation’s second worst homeownership gap between white households and households of color. As a group, WHOM collaborative members have a success rate seven times greater than the market in assisting households of color to become homeowners.
WHOM provides homeownership opportunities for households with lower incomes. The average Area Median Income (AMI) served by members is 43%.
In addition to doubling the number of home ownership opportunities statewide, annual economic impacts include:
So far, we’re on the right track!
In the House, we’ve had three hearings in two committees, and the Taxes Committee chose to approve WHOM for consideration in a larger Omnibus bill.
In the Senate, our bill made it to the Tax Committee, and awaits a hearing. (That committee is focused right now on addressing the impacts of the recently passed Federal Tax Bill on Minnesotans, but we will likely receive a hearing in the coming weeks.)
Before the legislative session ends on May 21, our bill will need to move from the House and Senate Tax Committees, to the House and Senate Floors, through Conference Committee, and back to the House and Senate Floor before landing on the Governor’s desk to sign into law. Learn more about our bill: House File 1535/ Senate File 1497.
The time is right for this legislation—and Habitat Homeowners would benefit directly. If you haven’t already, please sign up for Habitat on the Hill on April 26. Together, our voices and our presence will make a difference!
Your gift unlocks bright futures! Donate now to create, preserve, and promote affordable homeownership in the Twin Cities.
Minnesota’s 2018 legislative session ended on Sunday, May 20, with a flurry of activity in the hours before the constitutional deadline. With only...
Guest blog by Pam Johnson, Policy and Advocacy Manager Over the last few months, Twin Cities Habitat housing advocates have been advocating at the...
The 2019 legislative session officially began on Tuesday, January 8, and Habitat is gearing up for an eventful and exciting term advancing affordable...