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Bonding Bill is Being Decided - We Need Your Voice - Now

It has now been several days since there was an agreement between Governor Dayton and GOP Legislative leadership on the framework for the overall budget and bonding bills. The Capital Investment (Bonding) bill is still in negotiations as Legislators decide which bonding projects to prioritize and include in the final bill. All session long, we have asked Legislators to include resources for housing in the bonding bill and we need to finish the job we started.

As the final negotiations are taking place on budget and bonding bills, we need you to encourage the decision makers to include resources for housing. Please click Take Action and send an email to the leaders of the Capital Investment committees asking them to include nonprofit and GO bonds for housing in the final bill.

Click this link for an easy way to contact your Representative today!

Make housing a priority in the state budget

Make housing a priority in the state budget

The clock is ticking on negotiations to avert a State Government shutdown and we need your help now to make sure housing is a priority in the final...

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Habitat on the Hill nears as housing bonds hang in balance

The clock is ticking! Habitat on the Hill is just TWO weeks away! If you haven't already registered, NOW is the time! Last week the Senate released...

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Bonding bill will include affordable housing - Thank you advocates!

1 min read

Bonding bill will include affordable housing - Thank you advocates!

Update: Advocacy Continues ... In the Final speeches on the House Floor the Housing Advocates were recognized by Rep. Hausman for our continuous...

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