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1 min read

Habitat Helps Couple Stay in their Beloved Neighborhood

Robert and Barbara Nelson have lived in their home for the past thirty years. The Nelson’s love their Columbia Heights neighborhood and hope to stay there for as long as possible. At the age of seventy, however, Robert’s health became a major challenge in the couple's ability to maintain their home. With a severe case of vertigo, problems with his back, knees, and hips, Robert was unable to repair a deteriorating living room ceiling and fifteen-year-old paint job. The exterior of the home was also in dire need of refurbishment.

The Nelsons were directed to a number of organizations by their local Community Action Network; Twin Cities Habitat's A Brush with Kindness was the first to respond. The Nelson’s were extremely happy when they found out that they had qualified for help they needed.

The Nelsons were overwhelmed by the generosity of the volunteers, staff members, and Americorps workers. Robert described his experience with the volunteers who came to work on his home has something he had never experienced in his life; “I have never had such joy”. Because of the work performed by A Brush with Kindness, the Nelson’s can stay in their home stress-free. Robert and Barbara can focus on getting Robert healthy, and they no longer have to worry about leaving the neighborhood they love.  


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The Carrillo Family Experience A Brush with Kindness

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Veteran couple get help with home repairs from A Brush with Kindness

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A Brush With Kindness Restores Home to its Former Glory

1 min read

A Brush With Kindness Restores Home to its Former Glory

Gene Hedy, a veteran of the U.S. Military, has lived in his family home in North Minneapolis for the past 23 years. A year and a half ago, Gene's...

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