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The Wizard of Oz cast proves There's No Place Like (A Habitat) Home

The Wizard of Oz cast proves There's No Place Like (A Habitat) Home

Somewhere over the rainbow you will find things like what happened in Crystal and St. Paul on Tuesday, December 10. That day, the cast and crew of The Wizard of Oz, helped out as volunteers on two Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity homes. They put their brains, heart and courage together to assist in Habitat's mission of eliminating poverty housing. 

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If you want to be off to see the Wizard, visit the Ordway's website for information on tickets to the musical version of The Wizard of Oz which is playing through December 29. 

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This new musical version includes several news songs created by the creative team of Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice. 

It's obvious that both The Wizard of Oz and Habitat for Humanity hold a special place in people's hearts because we got great media coverage of this special day of building. Reporters and news crews from KSTP channel 5, KARE 11, the Star Tribune, Northwest Community Television and the Crystal Sun Times newspaper all came out to cover the work. In honor of the musical, and in celebration of the 75th Anniversary of the classic film, The Wizard of Oz, Warner Bros. has teamed up with Habitat for Humanity on “There’s No Place Like Home,” a national campaign to support Habitat's mission.

Danielle Wade, who plays Dorothy in the musical, received a special ruby red hard hat from McGough which is a supporter of both The Ordway and Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity. Danielle earned her spot in the show by winning a reality TV show in Canada. She says she's gotten a ton of Dorothy and Oz related memorabilia during the tour but the sparkly red hard hat may be the most unusual yet. 

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