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Events and Adventures Volunteers Spend a Day Building at Net-Zero Energy Home

Events and Adventures Volunteers Spend a Day Building at Net-Zero Energy Home

Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity invites a wide array of volunteer groups to help build community at Habitat build sites. Be it a group of co-workers, members of the same faith community, or even a family and friends celebrating a birthday, there are few better ways to spend a day together than making a difference in the life of a well-deserving family.

Events and Adventures

On Saturday, November 9th, Events and Adventures volunteers helped to put the finishing touches on Twin Cities Habitat’s first ever net-zero energy home. This unique home will have solar panels for generating electricity and hot water. It will be the most efficient home Twin Cities Habitat has ever built, and the family that is buying it is receiving special training on all of the home's green features. By the day’s end, the team of eight Events and Adventures members equally agreed that "when you give to others, everyone wins". Visit Events and Adventures on-line to learn more.

To organize a group of volunteers to help Twin Cities Habitat help build and rehab safe, affordable homes, contact Riley Moynihan, Constituent Engagement Senior Associate, at 612.305.7266 or e-mail riley.moynihan@tchabitat.org. We look forward to hearing from you!

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Volunteer Organizes 50 Friends To Build Community For 50th birthday

Volunteer Organizes 50 Friends To Build Community For 50th birthday

This year, Judy Timmons is celebrating her 50th birthday a little different than most. Sure, there will be cake shared with friends and family, but...

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Travelers: Decades of partnership

Travelers: Decades of partnership

We here at Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity couldn’t get the work done without the help of all of our dedicated partners.

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Entrepreneurs House: 13 Years and Counting

Entrepreneurs House: 13 Years and Counting

Last Monday, a group of local entrepreneurs came together for the Entrepreneurs House Breakfast kickoff event at Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity's...

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