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1 min read

#ThankfulThursday | Affordable Housing Advocates

#ThankfulThursday | Affordable Housing Advocates

For today’s #ThankfulThursday post, we wanted to recognize all the people that are lending their voice and helping Habitat in educating policy makers and changing public opinion about affordable housing.

This year, we’ve had hundreds of individuals support Habitat through our advocacy program by signing petitions, joining Habitat on the Hill, attending public meetings on housing issues, and by contacting their local representatives on important housing-related items. We’d like to invite you to join our Advocacy Team, and support Twin Cities Habitat and affordable housing when bills or legislation come up on a local, state or national level. We’re also in the process of re-naming our Habitat Advocates. Take our online survey to vote on a new name, or submit a name idea of your own!


Most of all, we want you to know that your advocacy matters! Last year, housing advocates were successful at increasing funding for housing by $34 million. This increase resulted in developing housing for approximately 1,300 families, and homelessness prevention for approximately 18,500 families. Thank you for all that you do to make safe, quality housing a priority. Look for upcoming information about the 2014 legislative session and opportunities to get involved. 

Please take a moment to consider signing our petition below. Upon hitting "submit" this message will automatically be sent to your local legislators:

Minnesota Legislator:

I support the work of organizations like Twin Cities Habitat because I believe that everyone has the right to quality affordable housing. By signing this petition to End Poverty Housing, I am adding my voice to the global movement of people calling on all key decision-makers to:

  • Recognize the role of housing in communities
  • Make quality affordable housing a priority
  • Change the systems and policies that lead to poverty housing

I am asking for your support. Thank you for your consideration.

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