#ThankfulThursday | Affordable Housing Advocates
For today’s #ThankfulThursday post, we wanted to recognize all the people that are lending their voice and helping Habitat in educating policy...
The United Nations has designated today as World Habitat Day 2013, to bring awareness to the dire need for quality affordable housing worldwide. You can do your part as a Twin Cities Habitat supporter by signing a petition telling Minnesota decision-makers how important affordable housing is to you.
Quality affordable housing benefits all of us. It is the foundation of stable families and strong communities – improving education, the economy, health, transportation, and the environment.
Housing solutions happen when we work together – non-profits, government agencies, businesses, congregations and individual citizens all have a role to play. Here are some great ways to get involved and stay informed:
Your gift unlocks bright futures! Donate now to create, preserve, and promote affordable homeownership in the Twin Cities.
For today’s #ThankfulThursday post, we wanted to recognize all the people that are lending their voice and helping Habitat in educating policy...
Local Women Answer Challenge from Habitat for Humanity and Lowe’s and Help to Eliminate Poverty Housing during National Women Build Week, May 1 – 9
World Habitat Day is Monday, October 1st