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Thank you for helping to build A World Of Hope

Thank you for helping to build A World Of Hope

A World Of HopeThe four-year World of Hope campaign was a tremendous success! Your generosity to this campaign has set off a positive chain reaction in the Twin Cities that will echo through families and neighborhoods for generations. Each home—and every hardworking family whose life we touch—contributes to the success of our community.


Thank you for your continued support of Habitat's programs and our mission:

"To eliminate poverty housing from the Twin Cities and to make decent, affordable shelter for all people a matter of conscience."


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Easy new way for federal employees to support Twin Cities Habitat

Starting September 1st, Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity will be part of the 2012 Northern Lights Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). Did you know that...

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Carlson building Habitat homes and hope in Minneapolis

Carlson building Habitat homes and hope in Minneapolis

Minnetonka-based Carlson helps make the world a smaller, friendlier place through its global network of travel services, restaurants and hotels. But...

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Habitat is Not Just a Job

Habitat is Not Just a Job

Guest Blog by Lan Freitag, Leadership Giving Officer As I sat in a meeting listening to the fundraising challenges we were up against in the current...

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